Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 2 Assignment

Hi Class,
This week you should develop your internal and external ethics statement.  Your assignment is to define and list what should be addressed in an internal and external ethics statement.  The 2nd person in each group will post a summary on the blog.  This assignment is worth 2 points.
Here are some links to read and discuss:

Dr. Frost


  1. Group #14
    Here is what we came up with as a definition of an ethics statement: It is a declaration of intent, how the business as well as the employees of the business will proceed in conducting itself/themselves.

    Some main points that we agreed should be included within our ethics statement are:

    1. Patient oriented care and patient's well being.
    2. Employee loyalty to the company.
    3. Honesty in all business transactions.
    4. Integrity
    5. Correct compliance with state and federal laws.

  2. Group 16 discussed this question via email

    As a business we will work to uphold the values of our community, families, and the office and these values will set the standards for what we will expect of employer/ employee
    All employers/employees will have a duty and responsibility to maintain a professional image and attitude as well as adhering to confidentiality rules when it comes to all patient and business information inside as well as outside of the clinic’s office.
    Any illegal activity inside the office or publicly is frowned upon and will be prosecuted accordingly.
    Any type of physical/verbal harassment inside or outside of the clinic’s office is unacceptable and not permitted and considerable action will be enforced.

  3. An ethics statement is a clear, concise sentence that describes the intent in which the business plans to care for it's clients. Some main points that need to be included are:
    1. Values the business holds true
    2. Honesty in relationships
    3. Integrity in all interactions

  4. Group #26
    An ethics statement is a clear and summarizing statement which is used by the business to give an overview of the principles and practices which the company will aim to operate under.

    Some main points to be included in the internal ethics statement include:
    1. Product quality
    2. Customer satisfaction
    3. Integrity and professionalism of staff and patient interaction

    Main points to be included in the external ethics statement include:
    1. Community outreach and influence
    2. Environmental responsibilities
    3. Adherence to state and federal regulations

    We obtained our answers while at Josh and Carl’s house where we were playing the COD arcade zombie game.

  5. Our ethics statement would be:
    We promise to uphold the integrity of our office by practicing the highest quality of care to our patients. We also take full responsibility to uphold a fair work environment. We promise to maintain this professional atmosphere in and outside the office with our patients and employers through:
    1. Honesty
    2. Loyalty
    3. Confidentiality
    4. Equality
    5. Respect

  6. Group 18 discussed this question via email

    An internal and external ethics statement, should addresses the quality of care, patient satisfaction, integrity and fairness with employer/employee wages & benefits, and responsibilities owed to patients and the community. The ethics that are upheld in your office and the ethics that you, your employees, and vendors will be held to outside your office. Topics that should be discussed are; employer and employee conduct in and out of office, patient care and privacy rights, compliance with all state and federal laws, maintaining a professional attitude in the office, and making sure all vendors are operating their companies in a legal and ethical way. All employees will maintain proper currency and licensure to meet all state and federal regulations to provide health-care. We will provide quality care to our patients within our scope of practice and will refer to proper professional if limits are met. All employees will not show any disrespect to any professional outside our office to uphold the values and honor of our profession
    18.2 Ryan

  7. We discussed our answers through email.
    10.5 and 10.6 worked together and explained more clearly to the group what internal and external ethics statements consist of. The following was a summary of their contribution:
    An ethics statement should be a platform or template in a formal matter to outline, bring forth and document the Ethical standards, values and rules of a company/business.
    Should include: 1)Proper forms of interaction and transaction. 2) Rules in the workplace.3) Legal positions and violations. 4)Codes of conduct.

    10.1 and 10.3 had developed some ideas for internal ethics statements: 1) Either himself or his staff will not offer a treatment that is contraindicated or ineffective in making a profit. 2) Vendors must contact me directly. My employees will not be in contact with vendors unless I authorize it.

    10.2 and 10.4 had developed ideas that could be used for an external ethics statement. For example: 1) All employees and staff of the clinic should conduct themselves in a professional and responsible manner when out in the public. They represent the clinic and in doing so should not tarnish the image of the clinic. It is the opinion of these members that internal ethics statements should really focus on patient privacy and comfort.

    Summary: An ethics statement should be a guideline for all internal and external components of a business to follow.It can be used as a powerful message to others and to those within of the strong ethical stand that a company takes, outlining their high standards and moral attitude when conducting any form of business.

  8. The ethics statement should be standards or guidelines that the business, as a whole, functions under. It should describe the business' main intent for the responsibility and actions of its employees as well care of all of its current and future patients.

    Some key points may be as follows:
    - Honesty and Integrity
    - Being professional
    - Codes of conduct
    - Respect towards patients and each other

  9. Group 3: we discussed via email

    3.1 said: Issues that need to be addressed in an Internal Ethics Statement are a reminder that the chiropractic office serves the community, that employees must not finance or engage in any activities that would in any manor damage the reputation of the office or interfere with any employee's ability to perform in his/her responsibilities,that employees shall not disclose or use confidential information except as permitted by law, all employees must comply with all laws and policies regarding ethical conduct, and all violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the chiropractic office. External Ethics statement should include that the chiropractic office does not dispense medications which may interfere with a patient's health.

    3.2 said: I agree with my group members. I also feel an ethics statement should revolve around integrity. When someone starts a new career they are not only representing themselves but also their profession. There conduct should be as such that at any given time, their integrity is still in tact. An ethics statement should reflect how a business as well as the employees are expected to professionally conduct themselves. Prior to hiring a new employee, it is important to review the business' ethics statement so that the potential employee has an understanding of what is expected of them should they become a part of a particular business.

    3.3 said: An ethics statement is an explination of what your business believes and stands for. It will expain to the community what the principles of the company are and how the employees, employer, and practice will conduct themselves. It will include the values of the employees and the employer, professionalism inside and outside the practice, patient care oriented staff and practice, honesty and integrity, lastly be a law abiding business and staff members.

    3.4 said: The code of ethics should include how the doc and his/her employees should act or represent themselves and the business at all times. This includes and is especially important while at the office but should also be kept in mind while out in public. The code of ethics should be written and gone through with each employee, especially when they first start at your office.

    3.5 said: The things I think are important to an internal and external business ethics plan includes: Acting honest at all times with your patients, insurance companies, your office assistants, and yourself. It is important to layout an honest foundation of correctly billing patients both on and off insurance programs. If the insurance companies allow billing of a paticular service and the patient doesn't need it, don't bill or give the service. Oversight by the office assistants eliminate fraudulant claims. They can be the backup to double check the right codes were sent out.
    An external business plan should describe how we will work with outside associates. It is tempting to accept discounts and give discounts to people with other businesses or products. If bartering is a payable option to everyone that comes through the door, no problem. If it is only with those who have a certain pull in the community to get you what you want, this should be addressed as an external ethical issue.

  10. As a group we discussed what it means to be ethical and how to run a practice ethically that both benefits the patient's care and our business at the same time. Below are statements we agreed upon.

    Above all do no harm.

    Internally we should ethically do what is right for our patient all the time and do what is needed to make that patient better no matter what. This includes protecting their personal information, making sure they are compliant with our care, and referring when necessary. As Palmer graduates we should practice to the best of our abilities by utilizing time honored chiropractic techniques and principles of chiropractic philosophy, as well as using good judgement and common sense.

    Externally we should make sure when people look at us and our practice they see what a doctor should be like and how a proper practice should be run. This includes having properly trained personal in our office, acting in a responsible manner outside of the office, and keeping ourselves healthy.

  11. We decided the ethics statement should be an overview of what is expected of you in and out of the office. Our group had a lengthy discussion of what we felt should be incorporated into our ethic statement and we all came to the same conclusion, that first and foremost is honesty and reliability. All other aspects of our ethics statement stem from those two concepts. With those two we felt we could hold ourselves to a higher standard of care, function successfully as a business and be contributing figures in our community. One other major thing we thought to have in our ethics statement was we were going to hold our patients to those two concepts as well. We thought that without that commitment from both sides, all parties involved wouldn't be getting what they deserve.

  12. We discussed via text messages.The ethic statements define the protocol for appropriate interactions with the public and patients from your clinic. This insures that the image your employees and clinic portray to the public is consistently the image you've meant for it to be.
    That said the internal ethics statement will dictate:
    1. How every person is greeted upon arrival
    2. Step by step new patient guidelines
    3. How telephone and emails are answered
    4. And patient education

    External ethics statement will dictate:

    1. Non profit affiliations
    2. Branding with advertising
    3. Protocol for public screening
    4 Press release protocol

  13. Group 1. 1.2
    The group discussed by text messaging.
    An ethic statement will explain to all employees and the public what the practice's prinicipals and beliefs are.
    The internal ethic statement will explain to all employees what is the expected behavior in accordance to the prinicipals and beliefs of the company. Some will include: Customer satifacation, professionalism towards all staff members and customers, and honesty
    The external ethic statement will explain to the public what the beliefs and prinicipals of the company are. Some will include: Provide upstanding relationships with all businesses and people in the community, keeping the intergerity of the chiropractic profession in the community, loylty to the community to which we provide

  14. Group #11
    Our group discussed via email, text and in person.
    Ethics statement is a brief description of what your business and employees believe in and how you act or direct the business.

    Our primary external concern is patients welfare (privacy health and finances). Also, proper business practices being addressed by all employees.

    Internally, honesty and integrity of all employees.

  15. We discussed via text messages. We believe our ethics statement should include our skills and abilities as a health care practice. We believe our future depends on enhancing and preserving trust with each patient and caring for each patient as if they were family.

    Our focusing points as a group:
    Work integrity
    Delivering the highest quality of care possible
    Refer when necessary
    Promoting wellness

  16. An ethics statement should be the foundation of your office. It starts with clear and concise statement that explains what is anticipated out of the office personnel. This would ensure the highest quality of care for the patient and for future patients.
    Main points that need to be included for internal are as follows:
    1.integrity of staff with patient
    2.quality of our service with each patient
    3.professionalism while answering phone or returning email responses

    External points:
    1.reaching out to local community
    2.Eco friendly
    3.staying within local, state, federal guidelines in every aspect as a business

  17. Group #12

    In a business setting, a code of ethics is a set of rules or principles by which the business and all of its employee agree to live, work and run the business. It should include complying with all federal and state regulations, as well as, setting the expectations for morally objectionable areas. A printed code of ethics would allow everyone in a work place to know exactly what is expected of them and help maintain integrity and honesty among coworkers and with patient interactions.

    An external ethics statement tells employees what is expected of them outside of the office in relation to their employment. This includes respecting patient privacy, showing respect for the business and abiding by laws.

  18. Group 6 discussed our answer via e-mail and this is what we agreed on:

    An internal ethics statement should outline what is expected of employees in the office setting. It should include statements on professional behavior, dress code, how to handle specific situations, honesty, moral expectations, and work attitude.

    An external ethics statement should outline what is expected of employees outside of the office setting and how the business is perceived by the public. It should include statements on civil behavior, how the office is represented in public, and statements on non-discrimination toward employees and patients.

    Overall, both statements should be founded in ethical principles and not be based on strict rules.

  19. Our group discussed our answers in person and over the phone.

    An ethics statement is a concise and specific statement that summarizes the principles and expectations that a business and its employees are required to adhere to and abide by.

    Our ethics statement would include the following:
    1. Professional attitude and appearance
    2. Integrity
    3. Codes of conduct
    4. Confidentiality
    5. Adherence to state and federal regulations
    6. Community improvement and involvement

  20. Group 23: We discussed our answers via email.

    We feel that an ethics statement should describe the intent of the practice and the means that the practice will or will not use to reach it's goals.

    Included in this should be:
    1. A dedication first and foremost to the betterment of the patient
    2. An oath that the practice will not commit fraudulent or illegal actions
    3. The practice's values, including honesty, integrity, and dedication

    Duty -Fulfill your obligations to your patients, employees, and business associates.
    Respect -Treat people as they should be treated,with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same.
    Integrity - Do what’s right, legally and morally. Adhering by your moral principles in hopes that you will never do and say nothing that deceives othe

  21. Group #24 discussed our answers through text messaging.

    An ethics statement is a clear, concise sentence that describes the intent in which the business plans to care for it's clients. Some main points that need to be included are:
    1. Values the business holds true
    2. Honesty in relationships
    3. Integrity in all interactions

    We discussed the ideals of internal and external ethics..

    Internal ethics include the factors inside the practice. These include having quality products, success driven techniques, as well as upholding the integrity of the doctor patient relationship. Our main goal of a chiropractic practice is the patient, our goal is to help the patient as best possible through loyalty, honesty and compassion.

    External ethics include reaching out to the community and providing services. This includes helping people with financial difficulties, possibly through community outreach, for example. We must strive to adhere to all laws, both state and federal. This also includes maintaining patient privacy and doctor patient confidentiality.
