Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 3 Assignment

Here is your assignment for this week:
Click on the link above and fill out the form.  Then take the SBA course and print out the certificate when you are finished.  Turn the certificate in between 7/27 and 8/1/2011 for 6 points.
Dr. Frost
PS-  I have also released the comments which were inadvertently sent to SPAM, so those groups may now see their comment.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 2 Assignment

Hi Class,
This week you should develop your internal and external ethics statement.  Your assignment is to define and list what should be addressed in an internal and external ethics statement.  The 2nd person in each group will post a summary on the blog.  This assignment is worth 2 points.
Here are some links to read and discuss:

Dr. Frost

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Welcome to the Practice Management Blog!

Hello class!  You should have signed up for this blog in class and you are now assigned a #1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.  This week the #1's of the group will be posting.  Your assignment is to discuss and agree on an answer to this question:  What is the biggest challenge for new chiropractors starting into practice?  The 1st person in each group will post the answer on the blog.  This assignment is worth 1 point.
Your answer should read something like this: (remember that #1's are writing here)
We discussed this question via email, texting, talking and this blog and here is what #2 had to say:
#3: write  answer
#4: write answer
#5: write answer
Here is the group answer to the question: "write out answer ".

These articles may help get you started:

Please have your answers posted by Monday,  July 18, 2011,  for credit.  Thanks, Dr. Frost